Late registrations for this event are closed.

UTS BWPC 12s Carnival 2023 - Referee Mentor Program (born 2009 and earlier)
Please refer to the 12s Carnival home page for more information.
Please note - places are limited.
Please note: this is not the registration for Balmain Water Polo Club Members. Go to the Balmain Club Member Registration >
- Wednesday, 4 January - Friday, 6 January 2023
- From 8:30am each day plus induction on Tuesday 3 January afternoon
Who can play / Who can enter?
- For the older kids (born 2009 and earlier), there is also an opportunity to learn the skills of refereeing.
- Supported by Water Polo NSW Referees Association & Water Polo Australia's e-learning modules
- There will be talks for competitors and their parents – by leading Sports physios, exercise physiologists, nutritionists and motivation speakers.
- Optional skills clinics run by Australian Waterpolo League players will be offered on Tuesday & Wednesday before/after start of competition
Junior Mentor Program Cost:
- $95 includes a t-shirt - early bird discount (by 26 November 2022)
- $110 (after 26 November 2022 and by 2 December 2022)
Entry Costs Include:
- Pool entry for all 3 days
- Includes a tournament Officials’ t-shirt.
- You can pay by credit card at registration on the next screen
- You can pay by EFT and instructions for this are clearly stated at registration and on the generated invoice.
- Payment must be made by the registration deadline (2 December 2022). To be clear, registration is not complete until payment has been made.
- Priority will be given by order of registration and payment.
Please refer to the 12s Carnival home page for more information.
Please note: this is not the registration for Balmain Water Polo Club Members. Go to the Balmain Club Member Registration >
Register for the Referee Mentor Program (born 2009 and earlier) (Non BWPC Member) >